
User Guide

Features: A summary of Jarvis’s commands

Add a Task

Add task that is to be completed into Jarvis

Delete a Task

Delete a completed task

Find a Task

Look up an existing task

Indicate a finished Task

Mark completed task as finished

Recurring task

Set up tasks that are to be repeated weekly

Usage: Getting started

todo - Add a task

Adds a task into Jarvis.

Example of usage:

todo the dishes

Expected outcome:

added: [T][x]the dishes
0 finished tasks in the list
1 unfinished tasks in the list

deadline - Add a task with a specific deadline

Adds a task into Jarvis.

Example of usage:

deadline my IP /by 2/12/2019 1800

Expected outcome:

added: [D][x]my IP —–2019-12-02 ` 0 finished tasks in the list
2 unfinished tasks in the list

done - mark a task as done

task will be shown as a tick when marked done

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice I’ve marked this tasks as done
[D][√] my IP ——2019-12-02

remove - remove a task permanently

remove a task regardless of recurrence or not. Specify index of the task to be removed.

Example of usage:

remove 1

Expected outcome:

removed:[T][x] the dishes
0 finished tasks in the list
1 unfinished tasks in the list

weekly - Add a task with a specific deadline. This task repeats weekly

Adds a task into Jarvis that repeats weekly

Example of usage:

weekly my IP /by 2/12/2019 1800

Expected outcome:

added: [W][x]my IP —–2019-12-02
0 finished tasks in the list 1 unfinished tasks in the list

delete - remove a recurring task

Used to delete a recurring weekly task for the week. For permanent deletion, use remove as shown above

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

removed:[W][x]my IP —–2019-12-02
added recurring:[W][x]my IP —–2019-12-02

help - show the commands

show commands at a glance

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

–These are Jarvis Functions–
todo (taskName)
done (index)
deadline/weekly (taskName) /by 2/12/2019 1800
find (taskName)
delete (weeklyTaskIndex)
remove (taskToRemovePermanently)